Understand the Benefits and Differences of CNG and RNG

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The annual RFP is a transportation procurement cornerstone, setting a baseline for the year to measure successes and challenges against. But the transportation landscape is ever-evolving. Market dynamics shift, carrier networks change, and shippers’ freight volumes fluctuate. This makes it difficult to maintain the relevancy of a singular, stagnant RFP.
With Network Intelligence, one Breakthrough client saw the limitations of their RFP cadence and reaped the benefits of shifting to continuous routing guide compliance management.
Breakthrough created a robust plan for the year during the client’s full-network RFP. But despite having an informed, data-based strategy at the outset, the routing guide couldn’t predict the future or adapt to the marketplace and the client’s freight needs. This deviation from expectations led to increased costs, decreased service levels, and muted control over the client’s transportation network over time.
It became apparent that the traditional approach to annual RFPs no longer served them, so the client decided to leverage Breakthrough’s Network Intelligence solution.
Breakthrough Network Intelligence identified loads that systemically strayed from the client’s original routing guide. As a result, the client could secure new carrier contracts in the moment—rather than waiting for their next bid cycle. These “mini-bids” dynamically optimized the routing guide over time, ensuring carrier contracts were always the best fit for the client’s current network needs.
Additionally, Breakthrough uncovered opportunities to realign freight to carriers with better rates when available, all while upholding the commitments made during the client’s original RFP.
Deviating from an annual bid is a significant shift in strategy, and for this client, it resulted in significant benefits. After 52 weeks of actively monitoring routing guide compliance with Network Intelligence, the client achieved 111% of the linehaul savings potential identified at the engagement’s outset. Continual network optimization brought agility to their carrier procurement practices and ensured they always paid the appropriate rates to the right carriers for their network.
Within Breakthrough’s new platform, FELIX, clients can view real-time routing guide compliance metrics and continually receive actionable recommendations for network adjustments. The Breakthrough team will remain at your fingertips, transforming your daily operations to create an optimized, accurate, and market-intuitive transportation network with FELIX.
For more information about Breakthrough Network Intelligence, or to see a FELIX demo, contact us.
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